Where Does This Road Take US?
By Tom Morrow
In 2005, I had the good fortune of traveling to Italy for another of my travel-writing excursions. Upon our arrival at the Rome airport after a night of flying from Chicago, I and eleven other international travelers piled into a mini-van for the 30-some odd-mile trip into the city.
Traffic was quite heavy and various lanes of the highway were under construction. For awhile I thought I had mistakenly landed in Mexico City – the so-called freeway was anything but. The narrow four-lane road was mostly bumper-to-bumper traffic.
The driver kept being frustrated by the slow-moving progress and continually would veer off onto a new road at seemingly every intersection, but apparently heading toward our goal. This switching of roads occurred at least seven or eight times during the trip. It made what was supposed to be a 20-minute trip extend far beyond that time period.
Finally, as it appeared we were, at long last, entering the city of Rome, passing by the coliseum, I decided to break the silence, which up to that point had been not unlike any conversation in an elevator.
I proclaimed loudly: “It is true enough that all roads do, indeed, lead to Rome.”
The silence was broken with laughter.
GREAT QUOTES: “A man should know his limitations. — Clint “Dirty Harry” Eastwood.
SCAG SEZ: “If you don’t have any rich relatives, it’s pretty difficult to come up with names for your kids.” – Cecil Scaglione, www.maturelifefeatures.com
SEZ ME – One of the reasons I moved to San Diego back in the ‘70s was to be in an NFL town. The Chargers was my team. The one thing I looked forward to each and every Sunday was a cold beer, a fine cigar, and a gradually enlarging TV screen. Now that the team has ‘bolted’ to enemy territory, the allure that once was is no longer. Sad to say the only interest I have now is Philip Rivers.
Alas, I knew ye well.
FIND ‘UM – You can order many of my novels online at Amazon.com. For a list on line go to: www.Amazon.com, “search” for my name.
Humorous or human-interest stories or notes for this osidenews.com column can be forwarded via e-mail to me at: quotetaker@msn.com