The 2023 short film “The Last Butterflies,” written by San Diego’s own Whitney Wegman-Wood, is a passion project born out of a series of dark and frightening moments.
“Kade,” the first feature project for Oceanside filmmaker Garrett Glassell, takes viewers a vengeful journey in a world-turned-wasteland as the lead character attempts to grapple with his dark past.
With several new housing developments being planned, approved and built over the past several years in Oceanside, many of which have been concentrated in downtown, the city is attempting to keep up with the growing demand for affordable housing. However, the subject of housing has become a divisive issue among residents and city leaders.
Much of Southern California has received record amounts of rain throughout 2023 thus far, and cities throughout North San Diego County, including Oceanside, Carlsbad and Encinitas, are attempting to reckon with the damage, one dollar at a time.
The residents of Laguna Vista Mobile Estates, one of Oceanside’s 17 mobile home parks, faced a substantial increase in their monthly rent at the meeting of the Oceanside Manufactured Home Fair Practices Commission on March 16.
In spite of recent rainstorms and high tides, the Oceanside Municipal Pier Utility Replacement Project is progressing with the goal of completion by September 2023.