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News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

Election Day. (Photo by Element5 Digital, Unsplash)

Living Creatively: The people shall judge

Barbara Basia Koenig November 4, 2024
We will be tested after the election — no matter how we voted — to keep the faith. We will be called to not only foster life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but open our hearts to those whose pathways intersect ours, and encourage them to walk with heart, even when others try to appeal to the baser instincts of hatred, lust, anger and cruelty.
Peace in nature. (Photo by Sage Friedman via Unsplash)

Living Creatively: Experience peace through nature

Barbara Basia Koenig May 10, 2023
After any difficult time in our life, it helps to do things that get us back to a place of peace and quiet, one that gives us space to begin healing and restoration. To feel whole and well again, perhaps we can take a few moments each day to rewind our thoughts.

Living Creatively: ‘There is no one like you in the universe’

Barbara Basia Koenig June 5, 2020
Your voice, your presence, your place in the scheme of things will be etched forever in the annals of these times.
Rain. (Jan Fillem, Unsplash)

Living Creatively: Be at peace

Barbara Basia Koenig January 3, 2020
We have within us a kind of spiritual anchor, an innate inner peace or presence of mind that is always accessible to us if we learn to cultivate it, as we do a sense of humor. Our presence of mind can withstand any adversity if we understand our place in the scheme of things. We can contribute to the chaos around us, or we can be an island of peace within it, somewhat like being in the eye of the storm. We can attain this inner tranquility through practice of presence.
Third space. (Danielle MacInnes, Unsplash)

Living Creatively: Find your personal space, and a ‘third place’

Barbara Basia Koenig February 17, 2019
One way to live more peacefully and creatively is to set personal boundaries. We can view a personal boundary as a field of energy around us that we set through intention. We intentionally set a standard we intend to live by, and choose what influences we will allow, and not allow, to influence us. These influences affect our peace of mind and attainment of goals.

Living Creatively: Find your sanctuary within

Barbara Basia Koenig June 28, 2016
Often we get so busy or feel so trapped by all the things that need to be done, we forget that we need to take care of ourselves, as well, and deserve the same attention and care we reserve for important projects, duties, obligations and chores. Some of us, however, are limited by circumstances that do not allow for time away to experience a connection with nature that we long for and need.

Living Creatively: Get to know yourself; get to know others

Barbara Basia Koenig August 23, 2013

Once, while shopping at the supermarket, I noticed a baby staring at another baby, who stared back. Nothing else seemed to matter to either of them, until they were finally wheeled out of each other’s...

Warm memories can help make this summer joyful

Barbara Basia Koenig June 13, 2013

For many of us, summer comes with a host of happy memories recalling its lazy, hazy days of play and adventure. The summer season offers a delightful time to make happy memories to last for a lifetime...

Deciphering the mysteries of dreams takes interpretation

Barbara Basia Koenig March 25, 2013

Horoscopes are a very popular source of advice for many who enjoy astrology. My morning routine includes reading the daily horoscope, and I read two sources to get a broader view. One day recently, the...

Expect challenging, enriching year of the snake

Barbara Basia Koenig February 10, 2013

Happy New Year, and welcome to the Chinese new year of the Black Water Snake on Feb. 10. Before you throw the covers over your head and decide to sleep this one out, let’s look on the bright side. The...

Living Creatively: Knowing vs. believing, right vs. wrong

Barbara Basia Koenig November 3, 2012

“How do you know when you’re right? How do you know when you’re wrong? And when you know, what do you do?” This question was asked by a child who participated Oct. 15 in Nickelodeon’s Nick...

Living Creatively: Find a ‘third place’

Barbara Basia Koenig September 24, 2012

When we wish to connect with something more meaningful than what we currently experience, or yearn to find a place to connect with others in a more meaningful way, we can often find it at the “third...

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Barbara Basia Koenig