Oceanside, California. (Steve Marcotte, OsideNews)
OCEANSIDE — BoatUS, the Boat Owners Association of the United States, encourages local boaters to turn in their expired marine flares Saturday, Sept. 9, from 8 a.m. to noon at Oceanside Harbor, 1850 N. Harbor Drive.
Marine flares are required to be carried aboard recreational boats for emergency signaling, but they must be replaced because they expire 42 months after their manufacture date, according to BoatUS. That means they need to be replaced about every three boating seasons. The expired flares are considered hazardous waste that contain toxic chemicals such as perchlorate.
Residents who own or berth boats in Oceanside and the Port of Los Angeles can drop the flares off during the Sept. 9 event. The city of Oceanside and Port of Los Angeles are among the agencies offering the drop-off events in September. More information: www.calpsc.org/cpsc-marine-flare-projects.
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