Oceanside city sign. (Photo by albertc111, iStock Getty Images)
The city of Oceanside will be enacting Level 2 drought reduction actions in accordance with the state Water Board’s Emergency Drought Resolution No.2022-0018 that was approved on May 24.
This drought regulation was in response to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s March Executive Order N-7-22 that recommended new regulations requiring water suppliers to implement mandatory restrictions.
“The Water Utilities Department is complying with state regulations as the drought progresses,” said Rosemarie Chora, Oceanside Water Utilities division manager. “As summer approaches, we ask residents and businesses to do their part and be mindful of water usage.”
The Oceanside City Council adopted a revised drought ordinance last spring, which followed state guidance. Oceanside’s ordinance contains six drought response levels with increasing restrictions as the city moves to higher drought levels. Oceanside will be remaining at a Level 1 but will be highly encouraging Level 2 drought actions as a result of the state resolution. This is consistent with other water districts in the San Diego region.
Oceanside is recommending residents and businesses to follow Level 2 reduction actions: reduce irrigation to three times a week between 6 p.m. and 10 a.m., keep sprinkler irrigation to 10 minutes per station, fix leaks within 72 hours upon notification of the city, and stop the use of ornamental fountains unless using recirculated water.
Additionally, the state Water Board has prohibited irrigation by commercial customers of turf considered to be nonfunctional. Exceptions include any turf used for gatherings or community activities such as at parks, sports fields or cemeteries.
California is currently experiencing one of the driest years on record, with record low precipitation from January to March 2022. The city of Oceanside and the San Diego region have invested in different sources of water, including Pure Water Oceanside and the regional Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant. Oceanside customers will continue to have sufficient water due to a diverse portfolio of water supplies and customer conservation efforts.
The public can learn more about current drought regulations and ways to save water on the city website or www.GreenOceanside.org, and be sure to follow the City on social media, at @Oceanside_Water on Instagram and Oceanside Water Utilities on Facebook.
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