Oceanside, California. (Steve Marcotte, OsideNews)
OCEANSIDE — The Oceanside Public Library hosts a series of three free art-making classes for older adults at El Corazon Senior Center in June. This series will be held at the El Corazon Senior Center at 3302 Senior Center Drive, home of a new Oceanside Public Library mini-library. The classes will be held on Tuesdays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on June 14, 21 and 28. In this series of workshops, taught by expert Diania Caudell and assisted by teaching artist Linda Kallas, participants will learn about the art of Luiseño basket weaving and will create a Cherokee single-wall twine traditional basket to take home.
Diania Caudell is a Luiseño member of the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians and board member of the California Indian Basket Weavers Association. She will share her culture and the art of Luiseño basket weaving. Caudell works with several San Diego county-based tribes and schools, teaching basket weaving history and workshops.
Registration is required. Visit bit.ly/osidesignup to register for this event, or call 760-435-5600. More information online: www.ci.oceanside.ca.us/gov/lib/.
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