OCEANSIDE: Learn about developing agricultural tourism Jan. 31
January 12, 2017
OCEANSIDE — Visit Oceanside, in partnership with the city of Oceanside and the South Morro Hills Agricultural Region, invites residents to an Agritourism Planning Workshop on Jan. 31 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Participants can provide input on creating a strategy for agricultural tourism that benefits farmers and the community. Breakfast and lunch included. There is no charge for the workshop or the meals, but registration is requested for planning purposes. The workshop will be held at the Melba Bishop Recreation Center, 5306 North River Rd. in Oceanside. More information: Contact Leslee Gaul at 760-721-1101 or leslee@visitoceanside.org. Online: http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=278434db2b3513d8a5aa20228&id=3f99a766f4&e=f71b81e6f0.
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