The new optic readers installed at Metro Rail gates in Los Angeles Union Station. (photo courtesy: Metrolink)
Los Angeles CA— New technology is now being installed across Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (Metro) system that will allow Metrolink riders to use their mobile app to transfer to the gated Metro Rail system. The installation and testing of these new optic readers will continue throughout the year.
“This will provide more flexibility and convenience for the 30% of our riders transfer to Metro Rail,” said Metrolink Chair Andrew Kotyuk. “On behalf of the Metrolink Board of Directors, I am very thankful to our partners at Metro for working with us to develop and install this technology throughout their system.”
Currently, Metrolink riders who transfer to Metro Rail cannot use an electronic ticket, but must use a TAP-enabled paper ticket to access Metro Rail. This means riders have to get to the train station in time to wait in line at the ticket vending machine to purchase the paper ticket before boarding their train.
“Innovation and accessibility are the backbone of our transportation future,” said Los Angeles Mayor and Metro Board Chair Eric Garcetti. “This new technology will help Metrolink riders make a seamless transfer to Metro rail, getting them to their destination sooner.”
This project is part of a technology transformation Metrolink has made over the past six months, which includes the launch of a new website and GPS train tracker that allows riders to find their train in real-time.
The integration of these new optic readers costs $1.2 million and is Phase 3 of Metrolink’s Mobile App Project. This project began in late 2016 and is expected to go live by the end of this year, pending system-wide testing.
Riders can download Metrolink’s mobile app now and they will be the first to know when the optical readers are in service so they can use their phone to connect to the Metro Rail System. To download the app for iPhone or Android devices or for more information on the optic readers, train tracker and new website, please visit www.metrolinktrains.com.
The new optic readers installed at Metro Rail gates in Los Angeles Union Station.
About Metrolink
Metrolink is Southern California’s regional commuter rail service in its 25th year of operation. Metrolink is governed by The Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA), a joint powers authority made up of an 11-member board representing the transportation commissions of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties. Metrolink operates seven routes through a six-county, 538 route-mile network. Metrolink’s passengers travel approximately 441 million miles each year, making Metrolink the second busiest public transportation provider in Southern California. Metrolink is the third largest commuter rail agency in the United States based on directional route miles and the eighth largest based on annual ridership.