San Diego County CA— Six companies in the San Diego region are getting accolades for encouraging more workers to adopt healthy and sustainable transportation choices such as carpooling, vanpooling, taking transit, biking, and walking.
Every October, the SANDAG iCommute Program holds the Rideshare Corporate Challenge. This year, 84 employers, representing more than 200,000 employees, participated in the competition.
Employees logged trips online with the iCommute TripTracker to earn points in the Challenge for their employer. The employers with the highest percentage of sustainable commutes logged during the Corporate Challenge in each size category were:
Micro Employer (1 to 25 employees): Mixte Communications
Small Employer (26 to 100 employees): ICF International – San Diego
Medium Employer (101 to 500 employees): RECON Environmental, Inc.
Large Employer (501 to 2,000 employees): Watkins Manufacturing
Macro Employer (2,001 to 5,000 employees): The Scripps Research Institute
Mega Employer (5,001+ employees): Sharp HealthCare
To promote participation in the Rideshare Corporate Challenge, SANDAG partnered with Uber and Lyft to provide commuters with discounted uberPOOL and Lyft Line rates when they carpooled during designated time periods.
Throughout the region, commuters logged nearly 50,000 trips totaling more than 1,000,000 miles in October. Overall, Rideshare Month participants saved more than 37,000 gallons of gasoline and helped reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions throughout the region.
Corporate Challenge winners are being recognized in a newspaper ad, on the iCommute Facebook channel, and on the iCommute website. In addition, they will receive plaques and a bagel breakfast.
The Rideshare 2016 Corporate Challenge was sponsored by the following event supporters: Metropolitan Transit System, North County Transit District, Caltrans, Uber, Lyft, Enterprise Rideshare, vRide, Feld Entertainment, The Free Ride, and Cal Coast Bicycles.