Oceanside CA-– Building on the success of the Coast Highway Vision and Strategic Plan, the City of Oceanside has initiated the Coast Highway Corridor Study. This corridor study will identify and evaluate ways to potentially implement a “Road Diet” on Coast Highway, to transform it from an automobile-oriented roadway to a “complete street” that serves all modes of transportation from automobiles and pedestrians, to bicyclists and transit. The Study could result in a recommendation to reduce the number of travel lanes on Coast Highway.
The City has scheduled a community open house to provide the public with information on the new study, and to give participants a chance to share their thoughts on opportunities, issues, and concerns related to transportation and mobility in the corridor.
The Community Open House will be held on Tues., Feb. 11, 2014, at South Oceanside Elementary School located at 1806 Horne Street in Oceanside. Interested participants are invited to arrive at their convenience anytime between 5 and 7 p.m.
In 2009, the City of Oceanside adopted the Coast Highway Vision and Strategic Plan. This plan serves as a blueprint for the revitalization and enhancement of the Coast Highway corridor between Harbor Drive in the north and Buena Vista Lagoon in the south. In November of 2012, the City Council directed staff to initiate the Coast Highway Corridor Study as part of the approval of the Circulation Element update. The City of Oceanside is now embarking on an effort to study and begin the design process for the street enhancements and changes proposed as part of the Vision and Strategic Plan. This effort, called the Coast Highway Corridor Study, will assess existing and future transportation conditions along the corridor and on surrounding streets in order to identify the preferred approach to implementing the recommendations contained in the Coast Highway Vision and Strategic Plan.
The meeting will be an opportunity for area residents and businesses to come learn about the study and to express their opinion and ideas on what they would like to see improved on Coast Highway.
Meeting Called for Coast Highway Corridor Study
February 5, 2014