San Diego County CA— Trauma Intervention Programs of San Diego (TIP) continues responding to a high demanding need in our community. Providing crisis intervention immediately after a tragedy in collaboration and working side by side with emergency response personnel; TIP volunteers add another dimension to the emergency response system: compassionate support.
Sine 2014, the volume of the crisis team calls has increased by 60%. Tragedy does not discriminate and the need for TIP services will continue to be there. In 2018, TIP responded to 1,199 scenes of tragedy assisting 5,288 citizens in the community.
Specially trained citizen volunteers provide care and support to residents who have been traumatized by a personal tragedy or are in a state of crisis. Often survivors are alone, in shock and dismay following a sudden tragedy.
TIP partners with Fire, Law Enforcement, Hospitals and the Medical Examiner’s and offers crisis intervention 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Volunteers are trained to respond to a variety of tragedies to offer support: house fires, natural death, drowning, sudden infant deaths (SIDS), suicide, homicide, community disasters are a few examples.
TIP San Diego is continuing to seek skilled compassionate individuals who have an aspiration to give back to their community. Consider being a TIP volunteer today and sign up for an upcoming academy in your area. For more information visit www.TIPSanDiego.org or call 855.TIPSD.HELP.