Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Oceanside CA— The City of Oceanside will conduct a public workshop on draft Tier 1 agritourism activities outlined in the Agritourism Strategic Plan. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, July 31 in the community room at the Libby Lake Community Center (4700 North River Road, Oceanside) from 2:00PM to 4:00PM.
On November 1, 2017, the City Council directed staff to initiate text amendments to the zoning ordinance to facilitate Tier 1 Agritoursim activities such as limited food processing, limited retail sales and camping as incidental uses on sites primarily used for agricultural purposes. In fulfillment of this direction, staff reviewed existing agricultural zoning regulations provided in Article 14 of the Zoning Ordinance and developed a draft Tier 1 Agritourism Activities Matrix that addresses the following:
- Existing uses and permit requirements
- Proposed agritourism uses and additional agricultural related uses
- Proposed permitting requirements for both existing and proposed uses
- Definition of Agritourism
- Agricultural Use Classifications
The uses outlined in the matrix are reflective of public feedback received from the three agritourism workshops hosted by Visit Oceanside and the City, guidance from the University of California Small Farm Program, and staff research of agritourism activities throughout the state.
The workshop will include a staff presentation of the Tier 1 Agritourism Activities Matrix followed by a question-and-answer session.
The draft Tier 1 Agritourism Activities Matrix will be posted to the City’s agritourism webpage (https://www.ci.oceanside.ca.us/gov/ecd/oceanside_agritourism/default.asp) at least a week in advance of the workshop.
Should you have questions about the project, or if you are unable to attend the workshop but want to provide comment, please contact Rob Dmohowski at rdmohowski@ci.oceanside.ca.us or (760) 435-3563.