Applications Due March 15
San Diego County CA— To incentivize projects that promote smart growth, as well as increase walking, biking, and transit usage, SANDAG is calling on local jurisdictions to submit applications for more than $30 million in competitive grants available under its TransNet Smart Growth Incentive Program (SGIP) and TransNet Active Transportation Grant Program (ATGP).
Approximately $27 million in smart growth funds and $3.6 million in active transportation funds are available. Up to $1 million from the smart growth funds will be made available for local jurisdictions to complete Climate Action Plans and Complete Streets Policies. Grant applications for both programs are due by 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 15, 2018.
SANDAG will hold a pre-proposal workshop from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on January 11, 2018 in the SANDAG Board Room at 401 B St., 7th floor. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to attend.
The money for the grant programs comes from two sources: TransNet, the regional half-cent sales tax for transportation approved by San Diego County voters, which sets aside 2 percent of annual revenues for each grant program; and funds distributed by the state under the California Transportation Development Act.
Only local cities and the County of San Diego can apply for the grant funds. Nonprofit and community-based organizations may collaborate to apply for funding in conjunction with the cities or the county, but cannot apply directly for the funds.
For details about the evaluation criteria for the current funding cycle, visit sandag.org/cycle4grants.
Check out successful grant-funded projects on the Keep San Diego Moving interactive story map.