Oceanside CA— We welcome David Alemian and a new feature to OsideNews, titled ‘The Alemian File‘. The series, with video, will run every Sunday beginning January 10, 2016.
Successfully creating affordable retirement plans guaranteed to last a lifetime is a unique, specialty skill. It’s a challenging arena but respected writer David Alemian makes it look easy.
Alemian is a leading retirement expert and nationally recognized authority whose expertise is shared via video columns, numerous journals, and talk-shows. David produces and hosts this new new weekly financial video series that are short, informative and to the point.
David’s national recognition results from both revolutionizing and revitalizing how organizations and individuals like you and me plan and save for retirement.
Alemian is considered “The Go-To Guy” for creating and implementing absolutely irresistible, lifetime retirement pension programs.
A recent Gallup poll shows the #1 financial concern of Americans is having enough money in retirement. Alemian uses his proprietary strategies and techniques to help employers and individuals alike create retirement plans guaranteed to never run out of money. Want to know what Alemian does for his clients? Imagine having a lifetime income stream that fully supports your current lifestyle throughout retirement.
Formerly the host of “It’s About Money” radio show, Alemian has also produced and is featured in over 200 financial education videos. Additional content can be found in many well-respected, publications including: MD Magazine, Physician’s Money Digest, Physicians Practice, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Consultant Live, Psychiatric Times, Cancer Network, OB/GYN.net, and The Healthcare Executives Network.
New Sunday Feature Coming to OsideNews
January 8, 2016