Vista CA— On December 10, 2014, Alexandra Melnick, a former Marine, reported the theft of her service animal, a black and tan German Shepherd, named Kai.
Kai was last seen in Alexandra’s backyard, in the city of Vista. An unknown suspect entered Alexandra’s property and took the service dog from the secured backyard. Kai is a trained and certified service animal valued at $15,000.00.
Alexandra reported the theft to the Sheriff’s Department and her story has been aired on several local television stations. Additionally, a Facebook page was set up in an attempt to help locate the missing service dog.
On August 31, 2015 Alexandra received a tip letting her know Kai was in Aubrey, Texas. On the same day Alexandra flew to Texas and confirmed Kai was indeed there. She then contacted Constable D. Boydston, Denton County, and he assisted in the investigation.
On September, 2, 2015, Constable Boydston and Animal Control Officers responded the residence and located Kai. Kai’s microchip was scanned and his identity was confirmed. Animal Control Officers took possession of Kai and a property hearing is scheduled to determine ownership of the service dog. The suspect is known and the investigation is ongoing.
Kai, the Service Dog Stolen in Vista Recovered in Texas
September 8, 2015