San Diego County CA— As summer winds down, the Sheriff’s Department will be stepping up efforts to stop impaired drivers from hitting the road.
Watch for increased DUI patrols by deputies across the county beginning on Friday, August 21st through Labor Day on Monday, September 7th.
Deputies will also be holding DUI checkpoints in the following North County cities:
Poway – August 21st
Vista – September 5th
Encinitas – September 6th
“There is no excuse for impaired driving,” said Sheriff Bill Gore. “The Sheriff’s Department has a zero tolerance policy. You will go to jail if our deputies catch you drinking and driving.”
If you do drink, be sure to have a designated driver ready or call a taxi.
Here are some sober rider options:
MTS (Bus and Trolley)
NCTD (Bus and Coaster/Sprinter)
Along with public transportation there are several ride share options available:
Public Safety Message Don’t Drink and Drive – San Diego County Sheriff’s Department from San Diego County Sheriff on Vimeo.
During this Labor Day period, be aware of San Diego County’s “Social Host” ordinance. Anyone caught serving alcohol to a minor will be arrested and booked into jail. You can report underage drinking to the Sheriff’s Department by calling our non‐emergency line at (858) 565‐5200.
You can also learn more about your responsibility as a “Social Host” by visiting‐host.
Funding for the Labor Day DUI checkpoints/patrols is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.