That Boy Good Float at 2014 parade
Oceanside CA— The Oceanside Independence Parade presented by Tri-City Medical Center will occur on Saturday, June 27th. The deadline for parade entries is fast approaching, Wednesday, June 10th. This annual downtown Oceanside parade in the past will include more than 100 parade entries all marching, rolling, walking and driving down the famous 101 Coast Highway.
“In the past we’ve had all types of Oceanside businesses, club organizations, non-profits, sports teams and individuals take part in this super patriotic event and we expect about the same number if not a few more this year,” stated Mainstreet Oceanside’s Executive Director, Rick Wright. “We don’t want to turn people away from this fun event so remember the deadline.”
That Boy Good restaurant owner, Kim Millwood, will be putting her staff to the task of float-building for the third consecutive year for several reasons. “We have had a blast the night before getting ready for the parade, then on parade day our musicians jump on board our float and it’s such a great party. A real slice of Americana happens to us all that day.”
Floats, horses, classic cars, marching bands, clowns and more will begin the parade route
at 10 a.m., as usual, on Coast Highway from Wisconsin Avenue and ending at Civic Center Drive. Parade announcers will be strategically placed at Civic Center and Michigan Avenue.
“It will be a nostalgic and memorable parade experience especially since we declared this year’s parade theme, Legacy and Legends,” says Cathy Nykiel parade committee member. “Our theme was selected to honor those who contribute so much to our community. Come out and be a part of this wonderful event, wave your American flags and represent your group as we honor our Nation, Oceanside, local business and individuals that make up our community.”
MainStreet Oceanside, producing and organizing this event, is accepting applications for the Oceanside Independence Parade. To participate, donate or volunteer visit the parade website http://OceansideParade.com/ and download the application.