Oceanside CA— MiraCosta College’s Community Education Program is offering the following workshops with these start dates:
6/22 Spanish, Story & Conversation
6/27 Summer Sight-Reading Orchestra (audition required)
7/5 Pop Vocal Technique
7/7 Tennis—The Basics
7/7 Spanish 1D
7/8 Balance/Coordination for Seniors
7/8 Golf, Level 1 Beginner
7/8 Golf, Level 2
7/8 Spanish 2B
7/9 Mixed-Media Acrylic Painting on Vintage Book Pages
7/9 Microsoft Excel—One Step Above the Basics
7/9 Adult Golf Lessons
7/10 Golf—Full Swing
7/11 Knitting, Basics and Beyond
7/11 Fitness, Active Older Adult
7/11 T’ai Chi by the Sea at La Colonia Park
7/11 Coastal Communities Concert Band (audition required)
The following career training programs are also scheduled:
6/25 Lean Manufacturing II
7/5 Introduction to CNC Programming
7/11 Electronic Assembly
7/11 Blueprint Reading II
7/16 Manufacturing Fundamentals
For more information on the Community Education Program or to register, call 760.795.6820, or register online, http://miracosta.augusoft.net/.