By David Alemian
A question I am often asked is, “How do you choose a financial advisor?”
There is literally an army of financial advisors across America. Everywhere you look there are investment advisors and brokerage houses. Almost every bank in America has a financial services desk. All of these organizations have advisors ready to help you.
Let’s look at the results of all their so called help. Today, the number one financial concern of all Americans is having enough money for retirement. The sad truth is, 97% of Americans will run out of money in retirement if they live long enough.
So if the advice from all of these financial advisors is so good, you have to ask yourself one question: Why will 97% of Americans run out of money in retirement if they live long enough? Most financial advisors give bad advice, because if they gave good advice most people wouldn’t be running out of money in retirement …. right?
Here is how you can tell whether or not you’re getting good advice from a financial advisor. Write down on a piece of paper the list of the Seven Retirement Killers™. Taxes, inflation, market losses, major medical illness, a late start to saving, due to a late start in your career, college for your kid’s, and the death of a breadwinner. Let this list be your guide. Does the adviser’s plan protect you from all seven of the retirement killers? If the answer is yes, then you have a good adviser, if the answer is no, you need to find someone else.
The vast majority of financial advisers do not have the skill set to protect you from all Seven Retirement Killers. You need to be prepared to keep looking until you find one who does have the skill set. Don’t be fooled by big name brokerage houses, or designations such as Certified Financial Planner, CFP, CPA or whatever. Most of them will not offer protection from the Seven Retirement Killers™, and it only take one retirement killer to kill your retirement. If you’re not one hundred percent sure, just refer back to your list of the Seven Retirement Killers, because it is your key to a secure retirement.
If you have questions, send an email to David@TheAlemianFile.com.
In the meantime, check out and “LIKE” The Alemian File Facebook page. You should also definitely visit my website at www.CapitalCrestFinancialGroup.com.
Absolutely, make sure you come back here next week for another edition of the Alemian file.
About David Alemian
Successfully creating affordable retirement plans guaranteed to last a lifetime is a unique, specialty skill. It’s a challenging arena but respected writer David Alemian makes it look easy. Alemian is a leading retirement expert and nationally recognized authority whose expertise is shared via video columns, numerous journals, and talk-shows.
His national recognition results from both revolutionizing and revitalizing how organizations and individuals like you and me plan and save for retirement. Alemian is considered “The Go-To Guy” for creating and implementing absolutely irresistible, lifetime retirement pension programs.
Formerly the host of “It’s About Money” Radio Show, Alemian has also produced and is featured in over 200 financial education videos. Additional content can be found in many well-respected, publications including: MD Magazine, Physician’s Money Digest, Physicians Practice, Journal of Clinical Oncology, Consultant Live, Psychiatric Times, Cancer Network, OB/GYN.net, and The Healthcare Executives Network.
This article reflects the thoughts and opinions of the author and is being provided for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial or tax advice. Please consult your financial or tax advisor about your situation.