Oceanside CA— On Wednesday, January 19, 2022 the Republican Club of North County (RCNC) welcomes keynote speaker, Brian Maryott, 2022 candidate for Congress in the 49th district. Brian is a conservative businessman, elected leader and father who is running for Congress to restore common-sense representation to the 49th Congressional district. As a local elected official and former executive, Brian has proven he can work with anyone who has good ideas – he will bring that exact same approach to Congress. Please join us to hear Brian Maryott address “Issues and opportunities for the 2022 election.”
Brian is a Certified Financial Planner – he spent the majority of his career helping hundreds of individuals and families save for a rainy day, send their kids to college, retire with dignity and invest in their future. He steadily grew his planning business and was eventually promoted to Senior Vice President of his company where he helped manage hundreds of employees and billions in client assets.
As our national debt continues to grow, Brian’s financial background and commitment to sound growth and fiscal stewardship is needed in Congress now more than ever.
The Republican Club of North County (RCNC) believes in Republican values: individual responsibility, personal freedoms, limited government, a market economy, low taxes, and a strong national defense. RCNC meets the third Wednesday of each month at El Camino Country Club, 3202 Vista Way, Oceanside CA 92056. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. on January 19th, lunch is served at 12:00 noon, and our speaker begins at 12:30 p.m. Cost is $25 to $30 per person depending on lunch choice. Cash or check only at the door (credit cards not accepted). For more information and lunch choices, please email RepublicanClubofNorthCounty@gmail.com or call John at 760-497-6117.