Update: The meeting for March 24th has been canceled
Carlsbad CA— At the March 24th luncheon meeting, the Carlsbad Republican Women Federated club is pleased to welcome Loren Spivak, “The Free Market Warrior.” Spivak is an author, economist, political activist, and popular speaker on economics and small government to conservative and libertarian groups. At the March meeting, Spivak will present, “Why We Fight, And How We Win In 2020.”
Prior to becoming active in politics, Spivack worked for several non-profits and as a management consultant for both profit and non-profit companies. He founded the “Free Market Warrior” in 2009 in an effort to make a positive difference in American politics and economics, and now conducts “Economic Literacy” seminars across the United States. Spivack has delivered his famous seminar on “Economic Literacy” to over 200 groups in 20 states.
Spivack is also the author of “The New Democrat,” a parody history of the Obama administration, based on a famous children’s book. With pitch-perfect rhyme and clever illustrations, “The New Democrat” transforms the political personalities of our times into cartoon characters in a conservative morality play. His second book, “The Gorax,” is an anti-environmentalism/pro capitalism parody starring Al Gore and presents his movement as a threat to American freedom and our standard of living.
Spivack was born and raised in Massachusetts and spent most of his adult life in New York City. He now lives in Massachusetts with his wife and children.
Carlsbad Republican Women Federated general meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Green Dragon Tavern and Museum, 6115 Paseo del Norte, Carlsbad, CA 92011. Doors open at 11:00 a.m. and the program begins at 11:30 a.m. Cost is $35, including lunch. Check us out at www.CarlsbadRepublicans.com. For more information or to RSVP, contact Ann at (760) 415-7006/annie13035@yahoo.com, or Online at www.CarlsbadRepublicans.com. Please RSVP no later than Friday, March 20th at 2 p.m.
Carlsbad Republican Women March Meeting – Canceled
March 9, 2020