Oceanside CA— Join the Oceanside Public Library in welcoming Eloise Klein Healy on April 28 at 3:00 p.m., in the Civic Center Library Community Rooms, at 330 North Coast Highway in downtown Oceanside. Eloise Klein Healy was the 2012 Los Angeles Poet Laureate, has published numerous volumes of poetry and is active in small-press publishing. She will also be the Featured Poet in Oceanside Public Library’s Second Annual Poetry Celebration.
Eloise Klein Healy, the author of eight books of poetry including A Wild Surmise, was appointed the first poet laureate of the City of Los Angeles in 2012. Awarded the Publishing Triangle Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015, she also had artist residencies at The MacDowell Colony and Dorland Mountain Colony. She has received grants from The California Arts Council, the CSUN Merit Award Program, and a COLA Fellowship from the City of Los Angeles. She directed the Women’s Studies Program at CSU Northridge and taught in the Feminist Studio Workshop at The Woman’s Building in Los Angeles. She was the Founding Chair of the MFA in Creative Writing Program at Antioch University Los Angeles. Her imprint with Red Hen Press, Arktoi Books, specializes in publishing high-quality literary work by lesbian authors.
As part of the Celebration we are asking Oceanside locals to share their poetry too! We’d like to foster an appreciation of poetry and demonstrate the power of words, so in addition to listening to great poetry, we’d like you to share your favorite poem, a poem that has changed your life, or an original piece. To participate, please submit the selected poem to jhafen@ci.oceanside.ca.us by April 20, 2018. By submitting a poem, participants are agreeing to show up and read their favorite poem. This Poetry Celebration is sponsored by the Friends of the Oceanside Public Library. For more information, please visit the library’s website at www.oceansidepubliclibrary.org, or call (760) 435-5600.
Oceanside Public Library Poetry Celebration
March 21, 2018