Oceanside CA— On Friday, June 25th, the Republican Club of Ocean Hills (RCOH) welcomes Senator Patricia Bates as keynote speaker. Senator Bates will address important legislation and current issues in Sacramento.
Elected to the CA State Senate in 2014, Pat Bates is a strong advocate for protecting taxpayer’s rights, restoring fiscal common sense to state government, and working to preserve our way of life. Prior to serving in the CA State Senate, Pat Bates served as a Mayor, a Councilwoman, a County Supervisor, and a member of the CA State Assembly.
Senator Bates served as the CA Senate Republican Leader from April 2017 to March 2019, becoming only the second woman ever to lead a party caucus in the Senate’s history. As Leader, she ensured that all voices across the political spectrum were heard in the Senate and worked with Senate President pro Tem Toni Atkins to improve the process to report sexual harassment and holding offenders to account. Senator Bates currently serves as the Senate Republican Leader Emeritus, where she works with the Senate leadership to help the institution run smoothly.
The Republican Club of Ocean Hills (RCOH) believes in Republican values: individual responsibility, personal freedoms, limited government, a market economy, low taxes, and a strong national defense. RCOH currently meets on ZOOM. Our program on June 25th begins at 1:00 p.m., followed by our speaker at 1:15 p.m. For more information and the link to attend the ZOOM meeting, please email RepublicanClubOfOceanHills@gmail.com or call John at 760-497-6117. Check out RCOH at www.republicanclubofoceanhills.com.