Campaign will benefit foster youth, in honor National Foster Care Month
San Diego CA— May is National Foster Care Month, a time to renew the ongoing commitment to ensuring a bright future for youth in foster care and celebrate those who make a meaningful difference in their lives. Promises2Kids, a leading nonprofit organization now celebrating its 40th year of service, has launched a challenge to the San Diego community called “4 for 40.” The challenge requests participants to identify individuals and donate $40 on behalf of four people who have inspired them or have made a positive impact in their life. Each of these four people will then ask four of their friends to do the same.
The gifts ensure that siblings living apart will have positive opportunities to reconnect each month; foster youth will have the guidance, skills, and resources to complete their higher education; foster children can enjoy the same extracurricular activities as their peers; and they can feel safe in their surroundings.
To support the “4 for 40” campaign:
Participants will post their own childhood photo or a Promises2Kids-provided “4 for 40” campaign image on social media using the provided messaging (can be found at give.promises2kids.org/4for40, or a personalized note about those who have made a positive impact in their life (please tag: @promises2kids #promises2kids #nationalfostercaremonth #fosteryouthadvocacy #Promises2Kids4for40).
• Donate $40 to Promises2Kids here: give.promises2kids.org/4for40
• Tag 4 friends and encourage them to do the same
Promises2Kids annually provides over 3,000 current and former foster youth in San Diego County with the tools, opportunities, and guidance they need to address the circumstances that brought them into foster care, overcome the difficulties of their past, and grow into healthy and successful adults.