Oceanside CA—The Oceanside Public Library is excited to partner with MiraCosta LIFE (Learning is For Everyone) to promote a free series of online lectures for Older Adults in North County San Diego, on Fridays at 1:00 p.m. MiraCosta LIFE lectures highlight topics of interest with guest lecturers from experts in their respective fields. In this current series, learn about our changing community from a news journalist, get an update on the decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station from the SONGS organization, learn about meanings of flowers in paintings throughout history from an Art Historian and more. LIFE at MiraCosta College is a non-profit sponsored by The MiraCosta College Foundation. LIFE is open to all, age 18 and above, most members are retired seniors.
Lectures are every Friday at 1:00 p.m., and will be held on the online platform Zoom. Schedule. Registration is required for zoom link to join online meeting, register at https://forms.gle/UMnrvJrnnNfHEcNVA or email life.miracosta@gmail.com to join LIFE at MiraCosta.
For more information about Library programs and services, please visit www.oceansidepubliclibrary.org or call (760) 435-5600.