Beverly Randolph, Club friend and CECO Member; Rhonda Guaderrama, BGCO Director of Development; and Detra Williams, CECO Treasurer at CECO presentation (courtesy photo)
Funding for New Culinary Arts Teaching Kitchen
Oceanside CA— Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside (BGCO) received $1,024.68 from San Diego County Employees’ Charitable Organization (CECO) to purchase a commercial three compartment sink for their new Center for Innovation.
The Center for Innovation, a 2,000-square-foot addition opening this fall, will include a Culinary Arts Teaching Kitchen, a Performing Arts Center and a STREAM (Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Lab.
The Culinary Arts Teaching Kitchen will provide marketable job skills and valuable life skills in a state-of-the-art facility.
Through the Culinary Arts Program, youth will have the hands-on opportunities to learn about nutrition. They will maintain a Club garden and visit local farms to learn about each step of the culinary process, from farm to table. Teens will not only learn how to cook for themselves, but also acquire job skills that will be applicable to the growing restaurant scene in downtown Oceanside.
“BGCO is dedicated to providing educational opportunities to our youth that they otherwise might not have, in addition to career training that will give them a competitive edge in the local food industry,” said Jodi Diamond, CEO. “Thanks to CECO, we are able to provide high quality commercial kitchen equipment that our youth deserve.”
For more information about the Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside please contact Hannah Moss at HMoss@BGCOceanside.org, call (760) 433-8920, and visit their website BGCOceanside.org or Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/BGCOside .