Oceanside CA—Join professional storyteller Marilyn McPhie for spooky tales from Massachusetts, Medieval Italy, the backwoods of the American South and San Diego on Monday, October 30, at 6:00 p.m. at the Civic Center Library Foundation Room, 330 N. Coast Hwy, Oceanside. Enjoy Halloween stories, be entertained and get some treats!
Marilyn McPhie has been telling stories professionally since 1985 and has performed for groups from preschool to adult, across the United States and beyond. She has told stories for assemblies, classes and festivals, has lectured for colleges and universities and has performed for schools, libraries, museums, civic and church groups, and corporate and private gatherings. She has a degree in English and French literature, is president of the Storytellers of San Diego and the Pacific Region Director of the National Storytelling Network.
This free program is sponsored by the Friends of the Oceanside Public Library and is open to the public. For more information, please visit www.oceansidepubliclibrary.org or call (760) 435-5600.