Kick-off event, City Age, at the San Diego Central Library
San Diego County CA— The Housing San Diego’s Future Alliance announced today a series of community events in 2017 that will address the housing crisis and related issues facing the San Diego region.
Housing San Diego’s Future will initiate a conversation region-wide to develop leading-edge solutions for increasing the housing stock at all income levels. The program aims to come up with viable solutions and maintain San Diego residents’ quality of life in the future –for generations now and those to come.
The alliance includes leading organizations coming together to focus on the housing issues in San Diego. The organizations include the San Diego Architectural Foundation, American Institute of Architects San Diego, CityAge, and Housing You Matters.
“The timing for a collaboration of this kind is really opportune. It’s critical now for thought leaders and practitioners to synergize their ideas and work together.” said Mary Lydon, Executive Director of Housing You Matters. “These events will bring together community members, organizations, professionals and important stakeholders as a meeting of the minds to identify and envision real solutions.”
The first event of this program is CityAge: Build the Future on April 25 and 26, 2017 at the San Diego Central Library, 330 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92101. This national event creates a platform for local and international leaders to discuss the building of the urban economy and society, with a particular focus at the San Diego conference on the “business of housing.” The sessions will look at the partnership and investments that can build the housing stock suited to the region’s future prosperity, as well as how partnerships among businesses, universities and citizens can catalyze economic growth, build social and environmental resiliency and implement the urban design that attracts talented people to the city.
Attendees can purchase single-day or full conference packages. Prices range from $395 to $595. A special rate for the full conference is offered at $295 for the first 20 tickets sold with code HSDFUTURE. A student rate is available at $95. Tickets can be purchased at: https://secure.effreg.com/r/cityagesd17?0
Some of the many presenters from San Diego and other cities across the nation include:
Kevin Faulconer, Mayor, City of San Diego
Jerry Sanders, President & CEO, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce
Randa Coniglio, President & CEO, Port of San Diego
Nick Macchione, Director of Health and Human Services Agency, County of San Diego
Mary Walshok, Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Extension, UCSD
Jason Anderson, President and CEO, Cleantech San Diego
Rick Cole, City Manager of the City of Santa Monica
Samuel Assefa, Director of Planning and Community Development, City of Seattle
For a full list of speakers, please visit http://cityage.org/sandiego/. For more information about Housing San Diego’s Future, please visit http://housingsandiegosfuture.org.
Additional conferences include San Diego Architectural Foundation’s Context Vol.4 on June 6, 2017, a unique public forum to stir the conversation about the value of excellence in the built environment, featuring a series of exhibits and lectures. Called “Neighborhoods 2027: Density, Affordability, Livability,” this year’s Context will focus on density and infill development.
The American Institute of Architects San Diego’s Housing the Next 1 Million Planning & Design Charrette on November 4-5, 2017 will be preceded by monthly workshops with the first on March 17 at the New School of Architecture and Design and the second on April 20 at Woodbury University. At the culminating event in the fall, 12 multi-disciplinary teams of architects, planners, engineers, community planning group representatives, developers, builders, students, faculty and other practitioners will come together to create visions of neighborhood growth. The teams will present innovative ideas and solutions for increasing San Diego’s housing stock
Housing You Matters, in partnership with California Forward, will host the 2017 California Economic Summit in mid-November 2017. At this conference, leaders from the private, public and civic sectors across the state will create a shared economic agenda to expand prosperity for all.