Lighthouse Lifetime Achievement: The Lighthouse Award is for lifetime achievement to advance fishable, swimmable, drinkable waters in San Diego County. This awardee will be selected by San Diego Coastkeeper’s board of directors.
Volunteer of the Year: In 2014, San Diego Coastkeeper and our region’s waters benefited from the efforts of more than 7,000 volunteers. We couldn’t achieve the successes we do without our amazing volunteers. Each year, the Volunteer of the Year recognizes someone who has truly gone above and beyond. This awardee will be selected by San Diego Coastkeeper staff.
Find & Fix: The Find & Fix Award is for success in a program, project or idea that first finds a pollution problem and then takes action to fix that pollution problem in the community.
Blue Tech: The Blue Tech Award goes to exceptional innovation in the development and/or use of technology to protect and restore fishable, swimmable, drinkable waters in San Diego County.
Marine Conservation: The Marine Conservation Award recognizes efforts to advocate for, monitor and/or implement ocean conservation programs, techniques and innovations including those dealing with fishery management and marine protected areas (MPAs) or other conservation areas of concern.
Runoff Rockstar: Urban runoff, the leading cause of polluted waterways in San Diego County, happens when water flows over man-made surfaces and carries the accumulated pollution into our water bodies. The Runoff Rockstar Award is for outstanding action taken to reduce urban runoff through best practices, including, but not limited to, low impact development, pollution prevention and urban waste reduction.
Water Wise: As we face the fourth year of record-breaking drought in California, we must see “water wise” become our new water ethic. The Water Wise Award goes to outstanding achievements in water-friendly landscaping, water conservation and the use of methods to promote healthy environmental restoration with native plants and natural growth.