Oceanside CA— Eliane Weidauer, life-long Oceanside resident and former Oceanside Cultural Arts Foundation board member has formed a program for American Veterans to tell the story of their lives through the arts.
“We have people ready to begin work but we don’t have a place to meet” said Eliane. The group is looking for a location where they can meet, once per week for the seminars. “It doesn’t have to be fancy, a church basement, a medium size room is really all we need.” The is no fee to join the group, it’s 100% volunteer. If you have a space you can donate for the once per week meetings or know of a place that may be available, please contact Eliane Wiedaeur at 760-945-1162 or meliane@cox.net.
If you would like to join the group, have a story about yourself or someone you knew during their time in service. A hero. The company clown. A comrade in arms. This is your opportunity to get your story told – your way.
We invite you to join us for a 16 week writing seminar, once a week, which will culminate with performances in and around your North County community, shows in September and November.
America needs to know what our veterans went through to defend our freedoms. Join us and share your memories with your friends, family, and your community.
This is a dramatic history presentation, retelling our American Veterans’ experience through a series of writings, poems, and song. Men and women veterans, all branches of the service,
are encouraged to put their stories down in a medium that is a part of your life.
During the scheduled sessions you will:
Have assistance in your writings and experience stage presentation
Work within a group of like-minded vets in a friendly environment
Have plenty of time to hone your writing, music and poetry.
Please contact Eliane Wiedaeur at 760-945-1162 or meliane@cox.net