San Diego CA— In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, St. Vincent de Paul Village will serve special lunch and dinner meals for homeless families and individuals in San Diego. The organization, which aims to end homeless in San Diego one person at a time, will serve its special Thanksgiving meals on Wednesday, November 26.
San Diego is home to nearly 9,000 homeless men, women and families, making it the fifth largest population of homeless people in the U.S. and the third largest for homeless veterans. Seven out of ten neighbors who use the services at St. Vincent de Paul Village exit to permanent housing.
The special holiday meals will be served at 16th and Imperial at St at the Vincent de Paul Village, in San Diego, on Wednesday, November 26
- 11 a.m. lunch meal
- 5 p.m. dinner meal
The meals will be served by leadership and volunteers for Father Joe’s Villages/St. Vincent de Paul Village for homeless and near-homeless families and individuals.