Downtown Carlsbad. (Photo by Steve Marcotte, OsideNews)
News Release:
Carlsbad CA— The city of Carlsbad is accepting applications for about $600,000 in grants to support certain agricultural, coastal or wetland restoration projects that enhance quality of life in Carlsbad.
Applications are due by 5 p.m. on July 20.
Funding for the grants comes from fees paid by developers when agricultural land in the city’s coastal zone is used for development.
Projects that may qualify for a grant include:
Restoration of the coastal and lagoon environment;
Purchase and improvement of agricultural land for continued agricultural production, or for research and other uses needed for agriculture or aquaculture in the coastal zone, including farmworker housing;
Restoration of beaches for public use;
Improvements to existing or proposed lagoon nature centers.
Applications and detailed information about the grant process is available on the city’s website at www.carlsbadca.gov/grants or by contacting Senior Program Manager Nancy Melander at 442-339-2812.
A seven-member citizens committee appointed by the City Council will review the grant applications and recommend projects for funding to the City Council, which will make the final decision on grant awards.
To be considered, completed applications must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. July 20 to City of Carlsbad, Housing & Homeless Services Department, Attn: Nancy Melander, Senior Program Manager, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, CA, 92008; or by email to nancy.melander@carlsbadca.gov.
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