Rep. Mike Levin (D-49th District), center, meets with Oceanside Mayor Esther Sanchez, left, and Woman’s Club of Oceanside President Rose O. Teding on March 20. (Courtesy photo)
The Woman’s Club of Oceanside was presented with a proclamation in recognition of its contributions to the 49th Congressional District on March 20 by Rep. Mike Levin (D), who acknowledged the 105th-year anniversary of the club.
The meeting began with the traditional salute to the American Flag, led by Gigi Lacy. A brief history of the club was presented by Treasurer and Parliamentarian Gayle Lacy. Oceanside Mayor Esther Sanchez introduced Levin, giving an overview of his political background. Levin gave the members a brief history of his family life, education and environmental involvement.
Rose Teding, president of the Club, led the question-and-answer portion of the meeting. Members were concerned about drugs entering the boarders, dollars being spent in Ukraine and what the Woman’s Club can do to help.
Levin encouraged the members to contact him anytime with ideas. The Woman’s Club of Oceanside works to make a difference in the lives of those who are under-served in Oceanside and surrounding communities.
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