Oceanside CA– By request, the deadline for entries for the Green Corrections Challenge has been extended to Monday, November 3, 2014. That means you still have time to develop presentations and work with your teams to share your success in green corrections.
So far, we have received a number of entries, each highlighting different strengths of a localized program, from employment strategies and waste reduction to innovative architecture. The presentations have varied in format, with some taking a traditional approach and others responding more creatively. However you choose to enter, be sure to follow the guidelines provided on the Official Rules page and review the tips under Frequently Asked Questions. These will help you make your entries ones to remember.
As a result of this challenge, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) hopes to add to the body of knowledge available about sustainability, green job training, and the psychological and environmental effects of green programming in corrections. While the topic has been around for years, it is only now that the discipline has taken shape, with new research and case studies regularly becoming available about how green programming is making a difference in people’s lives and improving daily operations. The challenge is a small step toward a much larger goal of understanding the correctional and community environments in which we work and live.
Beyond the case studies we hope to share with the field, the importance of the Green Corrections Challenge is that it highlights the role of corrections as part of an immediate community, as a good steward of natural resources, and a partner in global environmental issues. As unique ecoosystems unto themselves, correctional facilities (whether jails, prisons, or community-based agencies) can be models of what larger, highly sustainable environments can look like. The Green Corrections Challenge presents us with a unique opportunity to see how our colleagues from all parts of the United States have been creating their own versions of sustainable systems. And we hope that our sharing these case studies with you will inspire you and others to implement similar programs in your own area.
We look forward to seeing more of your entries and learning more about what’s working in field — from the small and community-based facilities to the large facilities. For official rules and challenge details, please visit www.nicic.gov/greencorrectionschallenge.
Deadline Extended for Green Corrections Challenge
October 8, 2014