Expect San Elijo Ave. traffic delays in Cardiff through April

New traffic signals and streetlights are ready for activation at Chesterfield Drive and San Elijo Avenue in Cardiff. (SANDAG courtesy photo)

North Coast Current

Drivers in Cardiff can expect periodic delays on San Elijo Avenue now through April, Build NCC announced on social media March 13.

The delays — occurring weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. — are the result of ongoing Coastal Rail Trail construction, part of a larger ongoing project involving rail and Interstate 5 upgrades and expansion as well as San Elijo Lagoon restoration.

Lane closures and other traffic-control flagging are likely throughout the month, according Build NCC, which is a collective of local and state agencies overseeing the projects.

More information online: www.keepsandiegomoving.com/build-NCC/buildNCC-introduction.aspx.

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