Shawn M. Donaghy is the new CEO of the North County Transit District. (NCTD courtesy photo)
As 2024 gets underway, the North County Transit District is preparing for a change in leadership with a new chief executive officer in the next couple of months.
The district’s Board of Directors unanimously approved the hiring of Shawn M. Donaghy as the transit authority’s new chief executive officer on Dec. 21. He is set to assume his duties on March 1.
Donaghy, who has more than 25 years of experience in private and public transportation, according to NCTD, takes over from interim Executive Director Paul Ballard, who replaced longtime Executive Director Matthew O. Tucker after Tucker’s retirement. Tucker led NCTD for about 15 years.
“Mr. Donaghy has the experience and leadership qualities necessary to manage a unique transit agency such as NCTD that includes bus, hybrid rail, and heavy rail,” Solana Beach Deputy Mayor and NCTD Board Chair Jewel Edson said in a news release. “We find ourselves at a critical juncture at NCTD as we continue to convert our fleets to zero emissions, pursue redevelopment projects, and ensure a state-of-good-repair for our assets and infrastructure. The Board is confident in Shawn’s ability to successfully lead NCTD.”
Donaghy comes to North San Diego County from Vancouver, Washington, where he served as CEO of the Clark County Public Transportation Benefit Area, or C-TRAN, since 2017. C-TRAN was named North American Public Transit System of the Year in 2019 and 2022 by the American Public Transportation Association under Donaghy’s leadership.
The publication Mass Transit reported that Donaghy has been credited with the success of C-TRAN’s new bus rapid transit line and an overhaul of the transit system’s operations and maintenance complex, which includes C-TRAN’s first electric fleet and infrastructure for hydrogen fuel facilities.
“I am honored to have the support of the NCTD Board and for this unique opportunity,” Donaghy said in NCTD’s news release announcing his hiring. “With the help of NCTD’s amazing team, I am excited to accomplish the goals set before us that will support the communities of North County. Transportation options built on equitable outcomes, partnerships that improve quality of life and continued focus on economic development will be the key to those shared successes.”
Donaghy is a member of the American Public Transportation Association’s Board of Directors and chairs APTA’s Bus Operations Committee. He is also president of The Bus Coalition.