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North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

News online for Encinitas, Calif.

North Coast Current

Commentary: Protect small businesses from bogus ADA lawsuits

Ashleigh Conaway December 27, 2022
While reforms can be debated, one thing that can’t is that bogus ADA lawsuits are becoming increasingly common and taking a heavy toll on California’s small businesses.

Commentary: Gentrification puts Oceanside’s character in jeopardy

Mindful and deliberate action is needed to keep Oceanside “O’side” and not completely diminish its community of culture and diversity.

Commentary: Oceanside Unified School District trustees AWOL

Bradley Tobias March 4, 2022
To the Oceanside Unified School District trustees, part of your jobs as elected government officials is to be in front of your constituents. We deserve much better than what you’re producing. To be honest, you’re failing in many other categories. You seem more concerned with holding the title than actually doing the job you’ve been entrusted to do.

Commentary: Carlsbad aging expo highlights resources

Lucy Wheeler March 4, 2022
Just how we utilize these additional 13-15 years of longer life expectancy is not left to chance. Helping people age comfortably has captured the eyes of big business, to our benefit and theirs.

Commentary: Leucadia faces the wrongs of ‘by-right’

Nicola Ranson August 12, 2021
Ask the Encinitas City Council to stand up for Leucadia, local laws and its own Planning Commission, rather than cave in to pressures from the building industry. The alternative gives developers a carte blanche to flout the regulations that have evolved to keep our backyard attractive for generations to come.

Commentary: Community vetted Cardiff School project; plaintiffs won’t accept it

Jon Cohen August 23, 2020
If Save the Park prevails with its latest court action, it will waste more of Cardiff School District’s already strained budget. And, underscoring the ultimate folly of their unrelenting campaign, it will do nothing to create a better educational experience for kids or improved recreational space for Cardiff.

OPINION: The kids aren’t all right; neither are the parents; here’s why

Cardiff Students First Alliance January 24, 2020
There is a growing number of parents who “aren’t alright” about the Cardiff School project being hijacked by a small number of nearby “not in my backyard” residents who have the luxury of time and money to partake in the sport of litigation.

COMMENTARY: Finding story of Nemo highlights concerns over Caruso plan

Richard Riehl February 18, 2016

A billionaire Los Angeles developer came to town planning to transform one of Carlsbad’s three lagoons into a magnet for tourist dollars. After winning the approval of local officials, he encountered...

COMMENTARY: What do Carlsbad leaders have to fear from referendum?

Richard Riehl September 13, 2015

Caruso Affiliated’s latest glossy mailer features the smiling faces of the five City Council members who voted unanimously to approve the developer’s plan to build a Strawberry Fields mall. Directly...

Commentary: Can we tell the truth?

Although we have written and spoken about the importance of honesty and civility in our public discourse in the past, we feel compelled to speak out now because, in response to the current election campaign...

For Prop. A: Initiative will help preserve community character

Your “yes” vote on the Right to Vote Initiative, Proposition A, is the most important vote you will cast since we incorporated the city of Encinitas in 1986. Your vote will decide if Encinitas retains...

Against Prop. A: Planning process will be thrown into chaos

Tony Kranz May 11, 2013

The “Right to Vote” initiative, now known as Proposition A, will be decided in a special election on June 18, and I urge you to vote no. Prop. A seems straightforward and simple to support: what...

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