Oceanside CA—The City of Oceanside Parks & Recreation has nominated volunteer Mrs. Terry Ann Larson to be a San Diego County Parks & Recreation Champion! Mrs. Larson is a volunteer at Heritage Park in Oceanside. She has been working tirelessly on making Heritage Park more period specific (early 1900’s) and more of a museum-quality historical site.
She is a finalist.
Now it is time to vote for her! Please go to the County of San Diego Parks & Recreation Facebook Page or go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RZ7HG2X. Voting will continue up to Friday, July 1 at midnight. An Awards Presentation will take place sometime in July.
If you would like more information, please contact Oceanside Parks & Recreation at (760) 435-5041. For classes and event information, please visit www.oceansiderec.com and like us on Facebook at “City of Oceanside Parks and Recreation.”
Vote for Oceanside’s Parks and Recreation Champion
June 15, 2016