NOISE – Is it just me or do so many of our TV shows have louder music than the dialogue? There are several drama shows that are difficult to follow because you can’t hear what the actors are saying…and, no, age on my part has nothing to do with it. The much-younger lady sitting on my right has the same problem.
KOCT HELP – The 13th annual Outback Fundraiser will be held Oct. 23, at Outback Steakhouse in Oceanside’s Barnes & Noble Center. This year’s event will be held on a Thursday due to Outback’s busy weekends. As in the past, there will be two seatings, 11:30 a.m., and 1 p.m. For those KOCT patrons who can’t attend, consider giving your tickets to a military family in the station’s “Meals for Military” program. Tickets are $20 for adults; $10 for children 10 and under. Call 760-4433.
Looking back –It’s hard to believe our society has survived as long and as well as it has – and the EPA had little to do with it.
As children, we rode in cars with no seat belts or air bags, and found it great fun to hitch a ride in the back of a pickup truck or stand on the “running board.”
We came into this world using baby cribs that were painted with bright colored lead-based paint. And, to cut our teeth, we often chewed on the crib, ingesting the paint.
There were no child-proof lids on medicine bottles, doors, or cabinets, and when we rode our bikes we had no helmets.
We ate cup cakes, bread and butter, and drank sugar soda, but never became overweight; although we kept the dentist quite busy.
We swam in creeks and ponds rather than pristine swimming pools.
In school, we pledged allegiance to our flag, which resulted in a lifelong habit. And, yes, we included the words “Under God.”
We played “king of the hill” on piles of gravel left on vacant construction sites and when we were hurt, mom pulled out a cheap bottle of Mercurochrome.
We didn’t act up at the neighbor’s house because if we did, we got our little butts smacked there and when we got home. The same thing happened at school. Somehow our parents always found out before we could got home.
We kids played in the driveway with Tonka trucks, which were made tough to take that rough gravel instead of front-room berber.
Summers were spent behind the push lawnmower until one summer when Dad could afford a motor. We still had to walk behind it, though.
For a murder mystery novel with an Oceanside backdrop, go to my web site to get “Haunted Bones” at:
October 2, 2014
Tom Morrow, OsideNews
October 2, 2014