Oceanside CA— This morning, Monday, October 11, 2021 at approximately 10:11am, a female citizen walked into the front lobby of the Oceanside Police Department with a grenade in a plastic bag, wanting to turn it over to police. Staff members had the female place the item in one of the interview rooms and evacuated the lobby.
Several offices in the main police facility were also evacuated. After sending the San Diego County Sheriff’s Bomb/Arson Unit a photograph of the item, they advised the grenade was a “training” grenade, capable of creating a small explosion but nothing of significance and referred the response to US Marine Corps explosive unit aboard Camp Pendleton.
As a reminder to citizens who may have a need to turn in found explosives, please leave those items in place and have an officer respond to where the explosive is found.
Partial Evacuation of Oceanside Police Headquarters after Citizen Turns in a Grenade
October 11, 2021