Funds Will Support Families with Critically Ill Newborns in the NICU
San Diego CA— The 13th Annual Miracle Babies Superhero 5K took place on Sunday, August 15, 2021 at NTC Park at Liberty Station in San Diego and raised $90,000 for families with
critically ill newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Attendees were encouraged to dress up as their favorite superheroes in support of NICU babies. The event included a
timed 5K run and a family-friendly 5K walk. In addition to the 5K course, the event included a merchant and resource fair, food trucks, games, crafts, exotic cars, superheroes and more.
“Support of this event is critical to raise crucial funds needed to provide essential services to families with babies in the NICU,” said Sean Daneshmand, MD, Founder of Miracle Babies.
“Miracle Babies reaches more than 8,000 families each year through our programs and our service to families continues to grow. Our programs fulfill our mission and lead to better
beginnings for precious babies. ”Miracle Babies’ mission is to unite families with their newborns in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) by providing transportation and supportive services.
For more information about Miracle Babies, please visit