Carlsbad CA— On Saturday, September 4, the City of Carlsbad Police Department will be participating in a “Know Your Limit” educational campaign in Carlsbad. Officers will be at Carlsbad bars and restaurants to educate the public on the importance of knowing your limit when consuming alcohol.
The “Know Your Limit” program is intended to inform the public on how little it takes to reach the legal limit for blood alcohol content (BAC), which is .08% in California.
The campaign will run from 12-10 p.m. During this time, officers will invite volunteers to take a breathalyzer test to see if they can guess their BAC. Those participating are asked how many drinks they had and whether they believe they are safe to drive. Following the test, officers provide education on the impact of alcohol on one’s ability to drive, and the consequences of a DUI.
“The goal is to help people understand the effects of alcohol so they can make educated decisions about how they get home after drinking,” said Traffic Lieutenant Steve Thomas. “It takes relatively little alcohol to impair a driver.”
Thomas went on to say the more we know about the effects of alcohol on our body the better choices we can make. Many factors like height, weight and food intake affect BAC. Campaign participates are generally surprised by the results of their tests.
The average cost of a DUI arrest is approximately $13,500, accounting for vehicle impound fees, fines, attorney fees, auto insurance hikes and other penalties. Plan ahead and avoid risking a DUI by designating a sober driver.
Funding for the “Know Your Limit” program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Carlsbad Police Department “Know Your Limit” Educational Campaign – September 4
September 3, 2021