Oceanside CA— The City of Oceanside Public Works Department will host a virtual public information session to share preliminary options to be considered within a beach sand replenishment and retention feasibility study. The recently initiated study seeks to develop a strategy to protect City beaches from the impacts of long-term shoreline erosion.
The consultant (GHD) was hired to perform a preliminary engineering evaluation and feasibility study to consider options for beach sand replenishment and/or retention devices to stabilize and enhance the beach widths in the City. GHD has begun the review and analysis of data and relevant global project examples and has developed six preliminary concepts to carry forward in the feasibility study. The conceptual ideas will be presented, followed by a question and answer session during this live event.
There will also be an opportunity for the public to provide input on these concepts, or others not covered during the session. The City’s goal is to identify a beach replenishment/retention strategy that is environmentally sensitive, financially feasible and has a reasonable chance of being approved through the regulatory permitting process.
This public information session will be held virtually on September 15 at 6:00 p.m. Please visit the event information published on the City Calendar at https://www.ci.oceanside.ca.us/cals/ to access the link to the virtual public information session.
To join the audioconference only, call 1-844-621-3956 and enter access code 126 059 2510. Please direct inquiries to Public Works Director Kiel Koger at 760-435-5089 or hkkoger@oceansideca.org.
Oceanside Virtual Public Information Session Feasibility Study for Beach Sand Replenishment-Retention Devices
August 28, 2020