Can someone please question the police state we are currently living under?
Now that we see the data used to lock us down was totally inaccurate.
I’d like to see the city publish the data that drove the decision to close the beaches. Why were they closed? Can we please see the huge spike in COVID-19 cases in Oceanside and that it pointed to transmission of people surfing? Or going for a run? Or getting fresh air? Has there been a huge downturn in cases since the beach has been closed? Again…pointing to banning people from sitting in their cars alone watching a sunset? What data is all this based on?
Why did we choose a police state approach as opposed to a “Swedish” approach?
Why is everyone quarantined and not just the sick and at risk? Like ever other virus in human history?
Are we going to get back the freedom we so happily gave up?
I think it’s time to ask some hard questions?
Letters to the Editor- Time to ask some hard questions
April 15, 2020