Carlsbad CA— Here’s what new as of Friday morning. We’ll have new information throughout the day, so please visit for the latest updates.
What “stay at home” order means
California’s governor ordered Californians yesterday to stay home except for essential needs to slow the spread of the coronavirus. Essential businesses will remain open, including food stores, pharmacies and banks and others. Local governments also remain open so that cities like Carlsbad can continue to provide services.
Latest numbers
The county released its first update of cases by city. Carlsbad has three official cases, but please keep in mind that people with mild and moderate symptoms, which is the vast majority, don’t need to be tested as long as they are not in a high risk category. Even the county’s public health officials say the official numbers are not very meaningful at this point. The best advice is to act as if those you see might have COVID-19 and act accordingly, following all the recommend social distancing (that is, stay at least 6-feet away from others).
Carlsbad calls for service
So far Carlsbad’s firefighter/paramedics have been averaging about three calls for service a day from people with flu-like symptoms. This is normal for this time of year, and it doesn’t mean those cases are COVID-19.
Our fire and police services are fully staffed and prioritizing responses to those most in need, with the goal of protecting public health and safety. Please help our first responders by holding off on non-emergency calls as much as possible. If you see a group gathering where they shouldn’t be, either politely share the latest state orders with them or go on your way. If everyone focuses on demonstrating how they are complying it will set the expectation that others do the same.
What about those without a home?
The city’s homeless outreach team is working seven days a week providing outreach to the homeless community, focusing on those 65 and older or with medical conditions that put them more at risk. Staff are adhering to the 6-foot social distancing rule and driving in separate vehicles. Currently the faith based groups that provide food are doing their best to follow the social distancing rule and are now making sack lunches and distributing them into the homeless community to minimize the large group gatherings. These groups are also still available and able to provide clothing and blankets.
What about parks, etc.?
As long as people maintain the proper distance, parks will remain open. Pickleball courts have been closed because too many people were gathering and not staying 6-feet apart while waiting to play. Members of the same household can go throw a ball around, but use good judgement. Letting kids play on playgrounds is not a good idea. The city cannot police every single public space at all times; we really need your help. Model the right thing to do, help your fellow community members stay safe.
And the beach?
Same as parks – you can take a walk to get some exercise if you maintain social distance. No gathering. Surfing? We’ll try to get specific direction from the county, but, again, we need to slow the spread. If you can get other illnesses from swimming in the ocean it would make sense that you could also get COVID-19.
Resources for seniors
We have seen an increase in participation in our senior meals program, so thanks for helping to spread the word. We still have more room. If you know a Carlsbad resident 60 or older who could use a free lunch, Monday through Friday, please have them call 760-602-4655 before noon the day before (which is today for Monday). It’s pick up only, unless someone needs food delivered, which we can also do. If you know a Carlsbad resident 60 or older who could use a daily welfare call, 760-931-2214.
City Council meeting
We are planning to proceed with next week’s City Council meeting in an alternative format. Stay tuned for details and the agenda.
City services
All city employees are considered disaster service workers, meaning we are here for you during an emergency. City Hall is “open” regular hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. if you need anything, give us a call 760-434-2820. You can also reply to this email and ask a question. For 24-7 information, call 2-1-1.
Stay informed
Please use the City of Carlsbad’s COVID-19 page for reliable, updated sources of information and resources for families, business and at-risk populations.
That’s it for today. Stay safe and thank you for looking out for each other.