Oceanside CA— Did you know small businesses in California are required to have an emergency preparedness plan if they have 10 or more employees? In order to help local businesses create their plan, the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce will hold a two-hour workshop on September 27th to show business leaders how to be prepared and stay protected.
Attendees of the workshop will hear from Stephen Baruch and Josh Mazur of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce “Ready Carlsbad Business Alliance: and Dennis Gussman of Red Cross.
The workshop will be held from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. The price is $15 pre-registration, and $20 at the door (breakfast is included). For more information and to purchase tickets, visit: https://carlsbad.org/event/emergency-preparedness-planning-workshop/
Carlsbad Emergency Preparedness Planning Workshop- September 27
September 4, 2019