San Diego CA— The inaugural FAV (Female Athlete Volunteers of San Diego) and Friends ‘Walk for a Water Well In Kenya‘ with Maranatha Volunteers International will take place May 3, 2019 at Hooterville, 12516 Del Vino Court, San Diego, 92130.
Wearing white and black, Kenyan beaded name tags and bracelets and Maasai patterned bandanas, volunteers will carry bright yellow buckets a mile into the Del Mar Mesa Preserve to destination Duck Pond where they will fill the buckets to carry them back to 12516 Del Vino Court. This walk is represents the experience of so many women and girls in Kenya, and other countries in Africa, who spend hours each day in search of water for their families.
Each participant will help raise $15,000 for drilling and installation of a water well in Kenya.By working with Maranatha Volunteers International, this group of volunteers can directly impact the lives of an entire community though the installation of a water well.
In Africa—mostly sub-Saharan Africa—there are approximately 345 million without access to safe drinking water. In 2017, a generous donor sponsored a well rig for Maranatha to use in Africa. Now, instead of working with contractors, Maranatha has a dedicated team going from village to village to drilling and installation. After completing a water well effort in Zimbabwe, Maranatha’s rig is in Kenya and has launched a water program in some of the country’s most remote villages. Finding water in these areas will be a challenge–and costly, but the need is critical, and Maranatha is committed to drilling and maintaining as many wells as possible for the people of Kenya.
For more information, visit:
First Annual FAV (Female Athlete Volunteers of San Diego) and Friends ‘Walk for a Water Well In Kenya’- May 3
March 29, 2019