A petition drive for the Encinitas Right to Vote Initiative has qualified for a special election, supporters announced Jan. 18.
The city clerk certified on Jan. 17 that the petition has qualified with the county Registrar of Voters, according to the announcement. Although the announcement included scans of the certification from the city and county, independent confirmation from those agencies was not available at post time.
The initiative calls for Encinitas city zoning amendments to be put to a public vote. Increases in building density and height are among such issues at stake.
“We are very proud of our 100 plus volunteers who far exceeded our own goals and expectations. Our volunteers found Encinitas voters overwhelmingly receptive to the initiative’s requirement that the voters approve amendments to Encinitas’ zoning that result in increased density or height,” Bruce Ehlers, spokesman for Encinitas Right to Vote and a committee chairman with the Olivenhain Town Council, said in the announcement.
More information about the petition drive can be found online at encinitasrighttovote.webs.com.