Oceanside CA— Fire Chief Darryl Hebert and the Oceanside Fire Department is proud to present a “Firefighter for a Day” event for US military veterans. This event provides a group of our transitioning soldiers with an opportunity to network with fire service personnel while being exposed to fire department gear and equipment, apparatus.
Attendees will also be exposed to some of the daily challenges of firefighters, as well as tactics and strategy.
Quarterly event dates are as follows:
January 23, 2015
April 24, 2015
July 24, 2015
October 23, 2015
Cost per Executive:
$300 (includes $150 sponsorship of soon to be discharged veteran seeking employment. 2 T-shirts and 2 Hats)
Description of days activities (Day begins at 8:00am with breakfast and ends at 1:30pm after lunch):
•8 business owners or company executives are paired with 8 active military members transitioning out of the armed forces into civilian employment
•8 Teams are sworn in as firefighters for a day and participate in firefighter training simulation drills (strategic, tactical and operational drills are similar to authentic fire drills but absent fire elements. Respirators are used in simulated “candy smoke” rescue drills)
•Teams will be debriefed by Chief Hebert after the days events, share lessons learned, share employment needs, and offer/share potential employment opportunities; if available.
For more information please click on the link below or contact event coordinator:
Kelly Nicholls at 858-922-1222 or knicholls@mckinneyadvisory.com. Visit the Website or view the PDF here [Link].
OFD Presents Military in Training: Firefighter for a Day
December 25, 2014