Oceanside CA— The Oceanside Harbor District (OHD) will partner with The Bay Foundation (TBF) to construct a new vessel Bilge Pump-out facility (with a bilge pump-out and oil-water separator for proper treatment and disposal of oily bilge water) utilizing an existing dock with approximately $41,000 of grant funds. OHD will contribute approximately $9,000 from the existing budget and provide for the continuous operation of the facility for seven years after its completion. There is a second grant of $6,500 from the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) for $6,500 for equipment, supplies, implementation, educational outreach materials and disposal of used absorbent bilge pads.
The vessel bilge pump-out facility may be only the third free, public-accessible one to be located in Southern California (two existing bilge pump outs are located in Santa Barbara Harbor and the Channel Islands Harbor).
The project objectives are consistent with the water quality and boater-serving goals of the OHD. The bilge pump-out resource will help many boaters that currently have no lawful option for the proper disposal of oily bilge water other than to pump it into containers and bring it to the Harbor Office. The Absorbent Pad Exchange Program will allow boaters to receive, utilize and return used absorbent pads for proper disposal at no cost to the boater, resulting in cleaner Harbor waters and keeping oily waste from entering the landfill.
California’s Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) brings together the state’s recycling and waste management programs and continues a tradition of environmental stewardship. CalRecycle’s vision is to inspire and challenge Californians to achieve the highest waste reduction, recycling and reuse goals in the nation.
The Bay Foundation (TBF), also known as the Santa Monica Bay Restoration Foundation, is a 501(c) 3 non-profit environmental group founded in 1990 to restore and enhance the Santa Monica Bay and local coastal waters. TBF works with a broad group of stakeholders, including government agencies, environmental groups, local communities, industry and scientists to create and put into action innovative policies and projects that clean up our waterways, create green spaces in urban areas, and restore natural habitats both on land and underwater, such as wetlands and kelp forests.
Grant Awarded For Harbor Bilge Pump Out Facility
December 22, 2014